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Gideon Amos MP


Member of Parliament for Taunton and Wellington

Working for you in Taunton and Wellington

4000 +

5000 +

100 +

Cases opened

Emails and letters written on behalf of constituents

Spoken contributions in Parliament


About me

I'd like to introduce myself as your Member of Parliament for Taunton and Wellington. I grew up in Somerset and have spent the last 14 years of my life living in Taunton with my wife and children,  I am passionate about our local community.


I started out as an architect before moving on to work on large infrastructure projects. This has included housing, rail projects as well as wind farms, which have been driven by my values of sustainability. Through my work, I understand the importance of public services and this is something I will be fighting for as your member of Parliament.


I am also pleased to take on the role of Liberal Democrats' Spokesperson for Housing and Planning, using my experience to be a voice of constructive opposition to the Government. I will be taking our local issues to debates in the House of Commons to apply pressure for needed changes.


Serving Taunton and Wellington is the privilege of a lifetime, and I will not let you down.




While the Government needs to tackle many issues, I am driving attention to a few local priorities to instigate the required investment in important areas.


Many promises were made by the previous government for funding across the NHS, schools, and public transport. Whilst unfunded at the time, the new Budget has set out new funding and this must be used to fund these projects that will make a difference to our communities.


Check out my Priorities page to see updates on my priorities including pushing for the new paediatric and maternity unit at Musgrove Park Hospital, as well as the Wellington Station project.




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